The apostle paul timeline pdf printable

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    AD 5Approximate year of birth of Saul of Tarsus (now eastern Turkey). Saul was born to an Israelite family who came from a tribe of Benjamin.

    The apostle paul timeline pdf printable

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  • He is a Roman citizen who is also referred to as Paul. – Philippians 3:5  AD 15-20Saul trains with Gamaliel I at the Pharisaic Rabbinical school to become a Pharisee.

    – Acts 22:3; 26:5; Galatians 1:14  AD 30Paul begin persecuting the Christian Church found in Jerusalem. He brings them to jail and calls for them to be stoned to death if found guilty of “blasphemy”.

    The apostle paul timeline pdf printable template

    – Acts 8:1-3; Acts 26:10  AD 32Paul witnesses the stoning of Stephen, an apostle of Jesus Christ. – Acts 7:58  AD 33Paul journeys to Damascus.

    He hears the voice of Jesus and is blinded on his way to Damascus to persecute more Christians. He does not eat or drink for three days. A disciple named Ananias has a vision from Jesus and visits Saul to restore his sight. –