Rand paul birthright

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    Sometimes new members of Congress take some time to get settled in before proposing legislation. Not Rand Paul, the new Republican senator from Kentucky.

    Rand paul birthright

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  • Paul inherited many traits from his father, Rep. Ron Paul: like his dad, Rand is a doctor who entered politics to advance a fiercely held commitment to the family's quirky ideology. (The enthusiastic young volunteers for Ron Paul's 2008 presidential campaign called it "Goldwater conservatism" in reference to Barry Goldwater, the patron saint of small-government conservatives, not in reference to Paul's desire to return to the gold standard.) And this week it became apparent that—like his father, who has introduced many quixotic bills such as the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act—Rand Paul intends to regularly introduce legislation that has no realistic chance of passing.

    But while Paul might be expected to take after his father in this regard, the causes he has espoused have been surprising.

    Whereas Ron Paul has focu