Bob mckenty biography

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    Bob mckenty biography

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    Hindsight Little Willies*

    Ogden Nash
    Little Ogden,
    Lost another spelling bee;
    Spelled insouciance right this time,
    But nuisance &#;nousiance&#; for the rhyme.

    Theodore Geisel
    Little Ted read Dick and Jane,
    Found it (as did I) inane;
    Later, when his muse got loose,
    Saved our kids as Dr. Seuss.

    X.J. Kennedy
    Ordinary Little Joe,
    Shaking up the status quo,
    Declared—with swagger and cachet—
    &#;Henceforward I shall be X.J.!&#;

    Edmund Conti
    Little Edmund, as a lad,
    Called Mother &#;Mom&#; and Father &#;Dad.&#;
    (Still disapproves of using two
    Syllables when one will do.)


    Young Alicia, coiffed in curls,
    Found boys were favored over girls,
    Thus made her nom de plume &#;A.E.&#;
    (Her homage to Joe Kennedy.)

    Bob McKenty
    Little Bobby wasted time;
    Wrote a silly little rhyme.
    Big Bob, who&#;s retired today,
    Wastes his time the same old way.


    (pace Shakespeare)

    Let’s choose ex