Wilhelm kray biography channel

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    Wilhelm kray biography channel

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  • Wilhelm Kray ()
    [William Kray]

    The Germans have achieved some of their greatest successes in the art of figure painting with subjects derived from that legendary lore in which their country is so rich.

    Among the artists whom this world of phantoms has enchanted, probably the foremost is William Kray. he is no stranger to the art lovers of America, for his paintings have long been popular in this country, and are to be found in most of our prominent private collections.

    Wilhelm kray biography channel 7

    He was born in Berlin, and began his studies there, afterward residing for a long time in Rome and Venice. Ultimately he returned to Germany and ssettled in Vienna, where he speedily won distinction. In "The Dance of the Will o' the Wisps" he renders a poetic version of the old legend of the wildfires, the gleaming spirits of marsh and fen.

    To arrive at a just and comprehensive understanding of any artist's talent, it is often necessary to examine him in more than one example, according to the scope his fancy ma