E w bullinger biography of albert
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E.W.E w bullinger biography of albert
Bullinger - A Biography
By Juanita Carey
Book Review by Robert Guenther
This is a work that was long overdue, it gives some credit and background information on a man whose life was devoted to the service of God.
After reading many of Dr.
Bullinger's books, Mrs. Carey became interested in finding out more about his personal life. She traveled to Great Britain in 1983 to begin her search for some facts about this unique man. She discovered that the task before her was going to be very difficult because time seemed to have forgotten him.
She spent five years gathering facts from libraries, record offices, letters and interviews.
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Among those interviewed was Bullinger's granddaughter, Dorothy Bullinger Fielder. She provided personal accounts, letters and documents which are expertly weaved into the pages of this book. Mrs. Carey’s style is an easy to follow, chronological account of people, places, and events that shaped the life of this very intelligent and musically talented