Bonnie and clyde story in video

  • Bonnie and clyde story in video
  • Bonnie and clyde story in video

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    One cannot talk about the iconic American bank robbers, Bonnie and Clyde, without talking about crime. Over the course of the film, we become acquainted with two young people who turn to crime as a way to feel more connected to the world around them, to feel the rush of experience and significance.

    When he first meets her, Clyde Barrow can sense in Bonnie Parker a kindred personality, an appetite for transgression.

    Bonnie and clyde story in video game

    The two criminals are not depicted as explicitly evil characters, but rather as bored and restless youths, searching for a way to make their lives more exciting. What starts as simple petty crime soon becomes more serious, when they get in deeper with bank robbery and have to start killing people.

    Bonnie and Clyde are glamorous criminals, committing crimes in order to bankroll a life of excitement and notoriety.

    What is notable about Bonnie and Clyde is not only that they enjoy committing crimes together, but that they are sexy, young, and magnetically attracted to one a